Wednesday 28 November 2007

2020 Creating Imagery

I needed a screen to put my finished artwork on so as i develop the art i decided to ask one of my friends if i could take some pictures of his 42" HD plasma TV. Here's one of the best of the bunch, a likely candidate.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Animation; an introduction in maya

Today we had our first session in maya. Unfortunately my knowledge of maya is rather limited therefore i have decided that it's not the right program to use for this brief as my idea for this animation would be best created using either stop motion or by creating it in photoshop and image ready. However i do plan to spend my spare time learning some simple aspects of maya as i understand that it is a vital program to be learned in terms of 3D animation.

Monday 26 November 2007

2020 Using other peoples artwork

After realizing that i had only a couple of weeks left to finish the 2020 brief i decided i had to get creating some imagery. Unfortunately i was running out of time fast so i figured the quickest and most affective way of communicating my concept is through image manipulation. I searched through thousands of images until i found to i could manipulate. The picture of the mustang was taken from and was created by Ralph Manis in 2004 and the image in the background was taken from deviant art entitled, 'On the road of life,' by Mashuto. I plan to take these images and manipulate them to create my advertisement for a 3D holographic projector.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Digital culture and emerging technology 2020

After reconsidering my original idea i decided that it is too late in the day to begin researching a different technology to advertise. I have already got a large body of research therefore it would be pointless looking at other forms of emerging technology. This is the reason i have stuck with my original idea, i have decided to put the main focus of the project on the home entertainment side of holographic imagery and how i think they might interact with 3DTV's in the year 2020.

Monday 19 November 2007

Digital culture and emerging technology 2020

In light of recent research into my original idea of creating a poster to advertise the release of 3DTV and holographic film, i have decided to reconsider the emerging technology i plan to promote. It appears that this technology is less than a decade away in terms of coming into production, in fact i believe that with the release of the Philips WOWvx 3D Display (2008), will be the beginning of the mass development of this technology. So in reality it would pointless designing a poster advertising a technology which has been around for over a decade. The only difficulties i think 3D displays will have in the early years are a lack of designers able to create moving imagery for films, games and eventually TV, however i believe this is a problem that will be overcome by the year 2020.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Extra carricula activity

You may remember that a couple of months ago i was spending some of my spare time creating a CD cover for a local band, well here's the finished product. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Minilogue/hitchhikers choice - short version (Longer on DVD

This style of animation really impressed me when i first saw it. Looking at it now its obvious to me that this is stop motion, most probably drawn on a white board this would make it quicker and smoother to edit.
It is clear to see that someone has spent a lot of time on this. I plan to do something similar by using cut out card with an over hanging camera, i'm sure it won't be anywhere near this long.

Monday 5 November 2007


The class had an introduction into the basics of illustrator this morning, i missed about a third of the session as i had to give a talk to the second year of ND Graphics about why digital media is a good decision for higher education. Fortunately much of the session was covering skills i had previously acquired so i didn't miss out on much. After break there were some server problems and the files we were using became unworkable, never the less here is a vector image of a duck i produced.

The beauty of vector images is that they will never become pixelated unlike bitmap images and this image is only 16kb (very small in comparison.)

Friday 2 November 2007

Cheoptics360 show Holographic Ads

This is the sort of thing i had in mind when i thought of computer generated three dimensional motion imagery, although when i thought of this i had no idea it had already been created... just imagine where holographic imagery will be in twelve years time... is it really worth thinking about?

Thursday 1 November 2007

Holographic Magic

This is the sort of 3D screen that would be more likely to be used by proffessionals, as appose to home entertainment ie mechanics, doctors, architects as it would give them an idea of whats goin on inside, i think the only problem with technology such as this is a lack of designers able to create the graphics to support it. Nice one brova!!