Wednesday 16 April 2008

Fundamentals of interactive design

It is required of me to turn a well know fable in to an interactive animation with a modern day spin on the storyline. The main idea i am considering at the moment is trying to explain the mess that western civilizations have created in the middle East. The target audience should be people of a similar age group to myself (16-21) In order to do this I must consider what's relevant. There is a lot of information on this subject, much of which is only opinion. The story i plan to shows the division of the Ottoman Empire shortly after the second world war, the USSR and western intervention and how betrayal caused mistrust between the super powers of the world. Starting with a short film or animation of what happened, for example the last 90 years in the middle east, the cold war and US led intervention, 9/11 and how this was a turning point. The viewer will then become the player making key decisions which could ultimately avert World War 3.

Monday 7 April 2008

Fundamentals of interactive design

This brief requires an interactive design for a modern day spin of one of Aesop's Fables. The moral must be as clear as shown in the original Fable whilst incorporating a degree of interactivity into it. In other words the use controls what happens with multiple opportunities which will eventualy result in the same conclusion. The best way to go about this would be to design it like an early video although the user has less input. This is going to be rather difficult as it will require a decent level of design and scripting to make the brief worthwhile. I have decided to focus my aim on this brief to the scripting side as in previous projects throughout this year I have mainly aimed to make things look quality rather than venture into the more technical side of things.