Thursday 21 May 2009

FMP - Development - Stay Focus Original

After sitting here for the past 11 hours I'm starting to feel a little worse for ware, however there is the prospect that I might have produced the final edit for the original Stay Focus track. This can not confirmed yet though as the directors have not seen it and we are still without the final scene due to cast being unavailable. Ok so it's not quite final but it's close enough to allow me to begin grading the scenes first thing tomorrow, in an attempt to help the transition from one scene to another more pleasing on the eye.

With a week to go it's going to be another close one but I'm confident this can be pulled off. Baring in mind I do still need to do the video to my remix, create an animated logo for D-Fusion and write both the essay and evaluation, looks like I'm going to have many a sleepless night over this next week.

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