Wednesday 17 December 2008

NXT - The final shoot looks appauling

The reason why this footage is so sketchy is because of the modeling light we used to light the front of the NXT is now nowhere to be found. According to Matt somebody loaned it out and didn't return it on time. Fantastic, that is all we need right now, when we finally manage to get hold of the NXT the other eqiuptment goes missing. As you can see this footage is far too poor quality to actualy composit with 3D footage and still expect a half decent result. To add to our problems Alex has spent the last two hours trying to render the Maya footage, to no avail. I hate to admit defeat but I'm afraid that in this case it is our only option. At this late stage in the game we have nothing worth presenting in tomorrows final crit. Oh well so much for best layed plans, ey!

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