Sunday 19 April 2009

Case Study - Light Engine Films - How a music video production company works

1. Make a plan

First we would ask you to send us the track you want to make the vid for, also a brief synopsis of any ideas, storyboards, themes or concepts that you may have - don't worry if you've not thought about any of this as we can help you come up with the right idea for your track and your budget. The next stage is to either arrange a meet up or, depending on your location, have a chat over the phone about things such as locations and what your final budget will be.

2. Decide your budget

We're not trying to teach you how to suck eggs here, but your budget is one of the first things to decide as it dictates what is going to be possible in your video - there is no such thing as a one quote fits all price structure. Although we pride ourselves on being able to produce expensive looking videos for a fraction of what they can cost elsewhere, certain things will add to your production costs. For instance a heavily story boarded video will cost more than a simple performance vid especially if multiple locations are to be used (see our price structure page for details of packages we offer). One of the best ways to get something atmospheric and original on a low budget is to use an interesting location, of which we have many. The bottom line is that as with any kind of production, the higher the budget the better the production value and overall quality of your finished product. Once a budget is agreed we guarantee not to go over that budget, so long as your requirements and the logistics do not alter.

3. Choose a location.

The next thing to consider is the location for the shoot. We have an array of locations that are free to use, that not only look great but will significantly help keep your costs low. We have access to old abandoned churches, factories, farm houses, plane wrecks, old clock towers, power stations, railways and abandoned lunatic asylums as well as areas of stunning natural beauty.

You can see a selection of locations here.

4. Deposit

Once all the logistics have been discussed and finalised, we arrange a date for the shoot. At this point we ask for a 50% deposit of our agreed fee to confirm the shoot date.

5. The Shoot

The most important thing about the shoot for us, is that everyone enjoys themselves. People tend to be at their most creative when there's a good vibe in the air.

6. Editing

After the shoot we put together a rough edit with a time-code and preview it to you via Youtube so you can give feedback and have a creative input to the editing process. This process continues over several more edits until you're happy with the final cut.

>7. Masters

At this point we ask for the remainder of our payment, once this is received we release the master on DVCAM tape, data disc and DVD (other formats such as digibeta are available at extra cost). We can also help you with file conversion for Internet streaming via sites such as YouTube etc.

And it's fun!

Yes that's right- you wont need your blood pressure tablets or vallium on hand when you work with us! We believe that a good vibe on set is essential and so far everyone we've worked with has given us very positive feed back about the experience. We work quickly and efficiently on shoots and always strive to maintain energy and enthusiasm in both ourselves and those we work with.

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