Monday 13 April 2009

FMP - Shoot Day 1 - Clarence Dock

Honestly... I don't where to start! Kiran, Jay and I were down at Clarence Dock by just after 10AM, despite the rehearsal at Kiran's on Saturday one of the singers wasn't aware that he was meant to be in the first few scenes, whilst we were waiting a couple of hours longer for the rest of the cast, therefore it was until after two, by

the time we started filming. By the time filming commenced it soon became clear to me that the shots hadn't yet been fully realized, as I already suggested to Kiran weeks before that by a having a clear and detailed storyboard and shot list makes life much easier when it comes to shooting and editing the footage. Unfortunately this advice had not been taken due to Kiran being to busy.

Despite the four hour setback in the morning, the scenes filmed in Clarence Dock ran fairly smoothly in comparison to the scenes shot at my mates flat. It was here that the lack of a detailed storyboard and shotlist became a strain on producing usable footage. First of all I must stress how sorry I am to Olly who's flat we used, this is mainly due to the amount of numbers that turned up. It was previously agreed that there would only be a few of Gareth's mates in this scene, instead at least half a dozen did. Due to the lack of understanding of what I was meant to be shooting and the numbers of people in there, when the lights had been on for a few minutes it soon became very hot and difficult to work in those conditions. Somehow we got through that scene but it was already about 11pm. We then had to rush the bedroom scene with Bianca in, I am a bit concerned as to the footage we got here as well, I don't know what Kiran
managed to get but I'm not too confident we have all the footage we need. I will find out shortly when I get a chance to edit this footage.

I picked up on Kiran saying a few harsh words to Jay, to be honest I didn't hear the whole conversation but from what I heard he was just trying to offer some advice. At the end of the day he's helping out as a favour.

I thought it was fairly unreasonable the way she spoke to him. I have a feeling today could set the scene for things to come, fortunately today was the longest shoot day scheduled so I think I will manage to get through.

I wasn't able to take as many behind the scene shots as I would have like to due to lack of spare available for each location.

A small word to Olly; Sorry Gareth dropped your hamster mate, I hope her leg gets better soon.

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