Wednesday 28 January 2009

My thereoies on the Big Bang, Black Holes and creationism

OK so to claim this theory as purely my own would be preposterous. However I have not as yet come across this theory in plain black and white before, It is merely a mish-mash of two ideas both widely believed by the population of this planet. Going on all the information I have taken on board throughout my 20 year biological existence, I have reason to believe that what we is the way in which we came to be. Before you read this I would like to make you all perfectly aware that I've spent the majority of my life an atheist. After being christened a roman catholic I investigated the meaning behind its beliefs and then its history, I was horrified with what I found. So I set out on a subconscious quest for knowledge and this is what I managed to come up with...

If the big bang theory is simply a means of explaining the birth of our universe then what was the cause of the big bang? Many physicists will claim an immense amount of heat and pressure that had reached critical mass and therefore could no longer be contained. But what caused this immense amount of heat and pressure? Well the only thing we can observe in our known universe that even comes close to this amount of energy is a point of singularity, in other words the centre of a black hole. However it would appear that the heat and pressure equivalent to even the largest black hole in our universe (18 billion times the mass of our sun) is merely a fraction of the energy contained within the point of singularity moments before the occurrence of the big bang. Why is this the case? Well our universe is still in a period of mass expansion, in fact it will be billions of years in the future until it will enter a period of contraction. It is at this point that many of the Universes super massive black holes will have merged to create black holes of unimaginable proportions. From here on in the knock-on effect would become more apparent, as many physicists agree on the fact that a black holes magnitude can only multiply and can not be stopped, therefore it is merely a matter of time until the entire universe is devoured by black holes. Immediately after the entire previous universe has been consumed there is the birth of a new one, and so on and so forth. A near recurrence of events, exploring every possible eventuality imaginable before starting over. A kind of reincarnation of the universe itself.

OK so this isn't enough for most physicists. It's like posing to them the question about which came first, the chicken or egg. If you ask a biologist this question you will simply get the answer... neither, it occurred over millions of years of evolution. So why can't the same be said about the universe developing over trillions of years whilst it goes through the theorised stages of expansion and contraction? Unfortunately this is not a satisfactory answer to many physicists as it leaves room for speculation from the creationists.

On what facts can anyone person state that whatever causes a point of singularity to develop into the vast expanse of our known universe only to shrink back down into an object smaller than yourself, a process that seems to reoccur over and over in a seemingly endless cycle could not be the experiment of supreme being(s)? After all look at how far we've developed in such a short space of time in comparison to the time scale of the existence of our universe. We have developed an understanding of how and what we are and how life came about. If we were to live for the same amount of time as even the length of our own planet, think of what we could develop in this amount of time.

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